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Is Your Divorce High Conflict?

Serving Families Throughout Jacksonville
high conflict divorce

Most people find divorce stressful and emotional, but how do you know when it has become more acrimonious than average? A high-conflict divorce is characterized by frequent, intense disputes and persistent hostility between the parties involved. These conflicts can make the divorce process more complicated and emotionally draining. They can also prolong the process, costing both parties more time, money, and stress.

Signs you may be in a high-conflict divorce include:

  • Constant arguments over minor issues
  • Inability to communicate without hostility
  • Continuous court filings and legal battles
  • One or both parties refuse to compromise
  • Persistent threats or intimidation

The Impacts of an Acrimonious Divorce

A high-conflict divorce can have far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the courtroom. Common causes include custody disputes and financial disagreements, which can intensify the conflict. These issues then turn back on each other, exacerbating an already difficult situation and creating a cycle of conflict.

The impacts of an acrimonious divorce are many and may include:

  • Emotional and psychological impacts: The stress and emotional strain of an acrimonious divorce can lead to anxiety, depression, and a sense of helplessness for the parties involved.
  • Financial impacts: The ongoing hostility can also affect decision-making, leading to prolonged litigation and increased legal expenses.
  • Family impacts: Children may become caught in the middle of the conflict, causing emotional harm and strain on their relationships with both parents.
  • Social and professional impacts: A high-conflict divorce can also strain relationships with friends, colleagues, and acquaintances, as they may feel caught in the middle or pressured to take sides.

Managing a High-Conflict Divorce

If you are in a high-conflict divorce, you can take steps to manage the situation and minimize its impact. You are not powerless in this situation, and you do have options.

Three tips for managing a high-conflict divorce process include:

  1. Seek support from family and friends: Having a strong support system can help you cope with the stress and emotional toll of a high-conflict divorce.
  2. Consider counseling or therapy: A professional counselor or therapist can provide tools and techniques for managing stress and emotions during this challenging time.
  3. Focus on your well-being: Practice self-care by prioritizing your physical

The Role of Your Attorney in a High-Conflict Situation

Having an experienced attorney is pivotal when navigating the complexities of a high-conflict divorce. Attorneys like ours at Law Offices of Jason K.S. Porter, P.A. are skilled in handling contentious cases and can provide strategic advice and support.

Ways of de-escalating contentious divorce proceedings include;

  • Maintain open communication channels
  • Focus on problem-solving rather than winning
  • Set clear boundaries for interactions
  • Prioritize children's needs in decision-making
  • Seek professional mediation when necessary

At our firm, we take a client-focused approach. This enables us to better prioritize client interests in a high-conflict situation.

Child Custody & High-Conflict Divorce

Advocating for the best interests of your children is paramount in high-conflict divorces. Ensuring their well-being should be the priority, regardless of the discord between parents. However, it is not uncommon for contentious custody situations to result in parental alienation (where a child becomes estranged from one parent due to the other parent's influence, intentional or otherwise).

Three signs of parental alienation can include:

  1. Unjustified rejection of a parent
  2. Frequent complaints about one parent without clear reasons
  3. Inability to offer reasons for the negative feelings towards a parent

Addressing these signs early can help mitigate the negative impact on children and foster healthier relationships.

Mediation or Litigation?

When dealing with a high-conflict divorce, it's essential to consider all available options for resolution. Even in high-conflict situations, mediation can be effective. It allows parties to negotiate in a controlled environment and can be less adversarial than courtroom battles. Similarly, collaborative divorce processes and arbitration offer additional pathways to resolve disputes without litigation.

That said, in some cases, courtroom litigation may be the best option. This is especially true when one party is uncooperative or previous attempts at resolution have failed. Similarly, when communication has broken down so far that both parties cannot effectively negotiate, allowing the court to step in and make decisions can serve to de-escalate animosity.

You Don't Have to Do This Alone

Divorce doesn't have to be a drawn-out battle. With the right legal team, you can navigate a high-conflict divorce more effectively. Law Offices of Jason K.S. Porter, P.A. has the experience and dedication to help you. Contact us for a consultation to discuss your case and explore your options. 
