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What Should I Do After a Car Accident?

Serving Families Throughout Jacksonville
Car accident

Personal injury cases can be difficult to manage. While you're dealing with recovering from your accident physically, the process of filing a personal injury suit and claiming legal restitution may be daunting.

To that end, taking various steps after getting in an auto accident can make pursuing a personal injury case easier and enable your lawyer to handle the details while you focus on resting up and recovering. Today, we're exploring what you should do immediately after an accident.

To receive experienced legal representation for your personal injury case, contact us online or via phone at (904) 701-0591.

Check for Injuries

It's important for all parties involved to do a thorough check for injuries at the scene of an accident. Adrenaline can make certain injuries seem less severe than they really are, so if possible, wait for medical personnel to check on you before making any sudden movements or attempting to care for yourself.

As part of this process, you should also attempt to ensure that your car isn't in a dangerous location (pull over to a shoulder or the side of the road if you can) and that any passengers you have receive medical care.

Document Evidence (if Possible)

It's not always possible to get a lot of evidence, especially if you're in a hit and run. However, if the other party does pull over, it's important to get as much information as you can.

Evidence you want to collect at the scene includes:

  • The other party's insurance information and other identifying data such as their name, phone number, the make and year of their car, driver's license number, etc.;
  • Pictures of the damage done to your vehicle;
  • The other party's license plate number (if they attempt to drive off);
  • Evidence of the accident, such as tire marks that could indicate careless driving;
  • Damage to the other vehicle.

Law enforcement officers who arrive at the scene will also take time to document evidence, but you may catch something they miss - especially if you snap a picture of the other party's license plate in a hit and run.

Work with Law Enforcement

When officers arrive on the scene, you should note down their names and badge numbers if possible. You and your personal injury lawyer can use this information to interface with police departments and request information more easily.

After talking with any officers, also make a point of asking for a copy of the accident report. Your insurer may need it, and even if they don't, it could be useful evidence for your case.

If any witnesses pull over and offer testimony, you should also obtain their contact information.

Focus on Healing Up (& Document Medical Expenses Meticulously)

After the accident, you'll receive medical care. Document the costs associated with any accident-affiliated treatment meticulously. You may be able to gain compensation for medical expenses from the other party or their insurance, and having a thorough account of all accident-related expenses can help ensure you receive the restitution you deserve.

As we've written about in previous blogs, many people find that their insurer is more difficult to work with than they first expect. Hiring a personal injury lawyer and understanding what to expect from your insurer can help you navigate your case more easily and prepare a suit that maximizes the compensation you receive.

Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney is the easiest way to ensure your rights and best interests remain protected throughout your case. At The Law Offices of Jason K.S. Porter, P.A., we help clients navigate complex personal injury suits.

To schedule a consultation with our team, contact our office online or via phone at (904) 701-0591.
